Multilingual Dynamics of Medieval Flanders



The Production and Reception of Manuscripts

Texts From Medieval Flanders



Besamusca, Bart, and Lisa Demets (2024), ´In Between Dutch and French: Multilingual Literary Patronage of the Flemish Nobility in the Fifteenth Century´, in Medieval French Interlocutions: Shifting Perspectives on a Language in Contact. Ed. by Th. O’Donnell, J. Gilbert, and B.J. Reilly. York: York Medieval Press, 253-268.

Murray, David (2024), ´In, Of, or Through? Towards a Literary History of Thirteenth-Century French and Flanders in Paris, BnF, MS fr. 1446´, in French Studies 78, 195-211.

Hugen, Jelmar (2023), ´Van middeleeuwse muziek tot een meertalige museumnacht´, in Madoc 37, 79-88.

Besamusca, Bart (2023), ´Jacob van Maerlant’s Martijn Poems from a Multilingual Perspective´, in Literature without Frontiers: Transnational Perspectives on Premodern Literature in the Low Countries, 1200–1800. Ed. by C. van der Haven, J. Bloemendal, Y. Desplenter, J.A. Parente, Jr. Leiden, Boston: Brill, 223-237.

Hugen, Jelmar (2023), ‘‘Diets’ met een vleugje Frans. Meertaligheid in de Nederlandstalige literatuur van laatmiddeleeuws Vlaanderen’, op On Air Blog

Besamusca, Bart (2023), Middeleeuwse literatuur in meertalig Vlaanderen (Utrecht: Universiteit Utrecht).

Demets, Lisa (2023), ‘Bruges as a Multilingual Contact Zone: Book Production and Multilingual Literary Networks in Fifteenth-Century Bruges’, in Urban History

Hugen, Jelmar (2022), ‘Van lesboek naar leesboek. Taalonderwijs voor kinderen in laatmiddeleeuws Vlaanderen’, in Madoc 36, 174-183.

Hugen, Jelmar (2022), Crossroads of Cultures: Multilingual Diversity in Dutch Literature from Late Medieval Flanders. PhD Utrecht University.

Besamusca, Bart (2022), ‘Multilingualism in Van den vos Reynaerde and its Reception in Reynardus Vulpes‘, in Medieval English and Dutch Literatures: The European Context. Essays in Honour of David F. Johnson. Ed. by Larissa Tracy and Geert H.M. Claassens. Cambridge: Brewer, 177-191.

Hugen, Jelmar (2022), ‘Vernacular Multilingualism: The Use of French in Medieval Dutch Literature’, in Neophilologus 106, 181-198. (For a commentary in Dutch, by Marc van Oostendorp, see

Demets, Lisa (2021), ‘French Literature in Mono- and Multilingual Social Contexts: The Production and Reception of French Literary Manuscripts in Thirteenth-Century Flanders’, in Queeste 28, 30-60.

Demets, Lisa, en Jelmar Hugen (2020), ‘Grenzeloze teksten. Meertalige literatuur tussen Vlaanderen en Noord-Frankrijk’, in Madoc 34, 238-247.

Murray, David (2020), ‘Thinking about French in Flanders’, op The Values of French Blog

Hugen, Jelmar (2019), ‘Teksten in drie talen. Meertaligheid binnen de literaire cultuur van middeleeuws Vlaanderen’, in VakTaal 32, nr. 2, 22-23.

Besamusca, Bart (2019), ‘Een nieuw onderzoeksproject: “The Multilingual Dynamics of the Literary Culture of Medieval Flanders, ca. 1200 – ca. 1500″‘, in Queeste 26, 98-101.